Fair Opportunities Employment



Each year thousands of Minnesotans exit incarceration and come back into our community. Too often it feels that even though they have served their sentence, they are continually defined by that worst day, decision or moment. 

Ramsey County and the Workforce Innovation Board of Ramsey County are offering information, resources and events to help employers better understand the value of hiring individuals impacted by the criminal justice system.

Upcoming Events: 

  • Fair Chance Re-entry Simulation, April 16, 2024, 9-11 a.m. Participants role-play the part of an individual recently released from jail or prison who is attempting to successfully reenter society. By navigating a scenario-based simulation, employers and other stakeholders gain a fuller understanding of specific obstacles people face and how we can work together to provide a fair chance for employment. Register here or contact Jay Grossman: jgrossman@getrepowered.org
  • Investing in Success: The Business Case for Fair Chance Hiring, April 9, 12 p.m. What is holding you back from implementing fair chance hiring practices? Don’t let misconceptions keep you from hiring qualified candidates because of a record of arrests, convictions, or incarceration. Join Jobs for the Future for this special LinkedIn Live event as we set the record straight with the undeniable business case for fair chance hiring. A panel of experts will share real-life examples, insights, and strategies to help your business thrive with this updated and inclusive hiring practice.
  • Second Chance Month Job Fair, April 30, 12-3 p.m. at Westwood Community Church Bush Lake.  Envision your team's diverse potential as a second chance employer. Connect with prospective job candidates. For more information email matt.moeller@westwoodcc.org
  • Power Within Us helps support young adults ages 16-24 who are currently on probation in Ramsey County connect to paid job training and education programs. Resource sessions are held every second Tuesday from 4-5:30 p.m. at Arlington Hills Community Center.  Learn more.

Employer Resources:

Questions? Contact Rebecca.Milbrandt@ramseycounty.us.

The Fair Opportunities Hiring initiative is a collaboration between Ramsey County, the Workforce Innovation Board of Ramsey County and many community partners, including Alpha Emergence Behavioral Health, Art from the Inside, Repowered, Strive StaffingUjamaa Place and We Resolve